I agree to inform my doctor about any changes in the information I
have provided, as this has direct connection with my health and the one
of the others.
I understand that by booking an appointment, I am booking on first place the time of the specialist.
If I need to cancel or change my appointment, that should happen early enough, so that I don`t block the time of the doctor.
The canceling or changing of the appointment can happen by the following conditions:
- Until 4:00 p.m. the day before – free of charge. *
- After
4:00 p.m. the day before, or the same day up to 1 hour before the
appointment – penalty 30% from the price of the planned procedure. **
- Less than 1 hour before, or without giving a notice – full price of the planned procedure. *
* For online payment: the appointment can be moved to another day, or used for another person.
** For some appointments the penalty is fixed:
- Consultation – $50
- Surgical appointment – $80
- Implant appointment – $100
- Orthodontic appointment – $50
- Endodontic appointment – $50